My only question

Nothing last forever. Not the diamonds, not even stars. Could our feelings and memories last... even after life?

jueves, febrero 9



Y el agua se apodera de él...
Llena sus pulmones y aplasta su cuerpo.

El polvo flota a través del sol y el agua.
—Conforme te acercas, cae en mi
Él, ve como nunca antes lo había hecho.
—Puedo llevarte. Libre y Cierto.
Y el agua lo arrastra.
—Ahora que estas aquí, nadaras conmigo.
Pronto, absolutamente deja de ser él.
—Te he agarrado. Cierto.
Él, ve como nunca antes lo había hecho.

Él es Luz y agua.

domingo, febrero 5


I suppose I should have fought
Fought for you
Tried to save you from yourself
I should have stayed home
And talked some sense into you

Don't pretend to be strong
Don't get me wrong
I know you don't love me
I faked it and
Faked not being jealous
I should have stayed home
And talked some sense
Into you
Don't pretend to be strong
Don't get me wrong
I know you don't love me
I should have stayed home
And talked some sense into you

Words can't repair the damage
Actions have done and we're begun and have begun again
Followed my heart to another fucking dead end
And a stranger's bed
Trying to make amends by
Replacing you and you know
That's not what I wanna do.